Tjalling with his wife Liesbeth.

Tjalling with his wife Liesbeth.

On set of Retro 2015-2025

On set of Retro 2015-2025

about Tjalling

Tjalling was born and raised in The Netherlands, where he spent most of his youth among the endless green fields and wide skies of the province Friesland. 

As a family they lived 14 years on a Caribbean island. There, Tjalling and his wife traded with China, USA, and Europe and developed a successful kitchen design studio. 

Then in the winter of 2015, the family moved to Canada and made a complete change of life.
In this new adventure in a new country, he took up the camera.
This gave a burst of inspiration and he finally gave in to to artist in him.
It allowed him to tell his stories, developing and discovering through this fascinating form of art.

Since he is passionate about so many things, he is working in multiple areas of photography up till now. On this website you will see images of this love affair with people, different characters, athletes, colours, nature and what he encounters on his personal journey. 

He has also put great amount of effort in education of technical skills and equipment, but Tjalling’s main focus is art: the creative process through photography

awards and exhibitions

Awards in 2015 

2nd Place - Georgian College, DPAI annual Juried Print Show

3rd Place - Lake Cecebe photo Contest

Awards in 2016

Georgian Scholarship Show, DPAI Judges Choice Award - Amplis & Nikon Award

1st Place in the Nature & Landscapes Lake Cecebe photo Contest

Awards in 2017

S1 Group & District 28 Award of Excellence

Red Cardinal Award

2nd Place, second year, Scholarship award, sponsored by Fuji

2nd Place, second year, DPAI award, sponsored by Henry's Camera

Extreme Imaging DPAI Award

Bruce Peninsula Art Show Award

Awards in 2018

3rd place, Blue Mountain Foundation of the Arts

Awards in 2019

Acceptance of my work into the 2019/2020 Salt Spring National Art Prize, where 1201 artists submitted some 1973 pieces of work. Mine was among the 52 chosen for admission to the show.


2016 - BMFA - Every Picture tells a story

2017 - Bruce Peninsula Art Show

2018 - Wiarton Library Exhibition

2018 - BMFA - Every Picture Tells a Story

2019 - The Halide Project - Historic photo printing -  Homage group show Philadelphia

2019 - CAPIC Xposé in Toronto - The Gathering

2019 - Finalist + Exhibition through Salt Spring National Art Prize

2020 - Group Exhibition with portraits through Alternative Techniques - Dylan Ellis Gallery Toronto

2020 - Solo Exhibition October - December 30 Pressroom Gallery, 65 Simcoe street, Collingwood CANADA